6 feb 2007

Pensamiento Budista: Nothing You Must Do

There is really nothing you must be and there is nothing you must do. There is really nothing you must have and there is nothing you must know. There is really nothing you must become. However, it helps to understand that fire burns, and when it rains, the earth gets wet.

-Zen saying


1 feb 2007

Pensamiento Budista: Yet Nirvana Is

‘There is no spot, O king, where Nirvâna is situate, and yet Nirvâna is, and he who orders his life right will, by careful attention, realize Nirvâna. Just as fire exists, and yet there is no place where fire (by itself) is stored up. But if a man rubs two sticks together the fire comes; just so, O king, Nirvâna exists, though there is no spot where it is stored up. And he who orders his life aright will, by careful attention, realize Nirvâna.’


From "365 Buddha: Daily Meditations," edited by Jeff Schmidt. Reprinted by arrangement with Tarcher/Putnam, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc.
